Monday 25 August 2014


The BIG day has nearly arrived, I officially leave for South Africa tomorrow. The past few weeks have been a bit crazy, arriving home from my Explorer Belt Expedition in Slovakia, receiving my A-level results and University place and travelling around the country saying goodbye to my family. The last three days have been lovely catching up with friends at home and gradually packing all my things.

I have just eaten the 'last supper' with my family (Sunday roast of course). Tomorrow morning I will say goodbye to my two best friends and then head to the airport. At Heathrow I will meet with the 28 other South African volunteers and we will all Travel to Johannesburg together via Doha (Qatar). As a group we will be spending a few days in the wonderful city before going our separate ways and travelling to our projects where we will all be living for the next 12months. Thankfully myself and Linsey will be living in Johannesburg and won't need to travel very far to get to our new home. 

It is unbelievable how quickly this has all come around. I'm so grateful to all the amazing people who have helped me get to where I am now. The amount of support I have received with fundraising a grand total of £5600 has been incredible and made the process so much easier. Thank you to everyone who has wished me luck, send me cards, written me letters and given me presents. 


See you in a year England......