Monday 13 October 2014

7 weeks in. . .

So it's been nearly 3 weeks since I posted my last blog and I'm going to have to look in my journal to remember everything that's been going on.

The two children with mumps are fine and have been back in their cottages for a while now. I didn't mention on my last 2 blogs but I'd had a pretty bad cough for the first month here. Luckily that seems to have completely gone now.

For the last 3 weeks there has been another volunteer here over from Germany. She volunteered in South Africa a few years ago for 5 months and comes back twice a year to see the children. We took some of the kids out for dinner with her which was a good laugh and they really enjoyed the treat. She left yesterday but hopefully we'll see her again in march.

On the 24th September we celebrated National Heritage Day. The children all had a day off school. We played in the sun all morning had a braai for lunch then swan after.

I've made a dance to 'he lives in you' with Andile, the oldest girl in my cottage. She is an extremely talented performer. She insisted we showed everyone so we had to go around the home showing all the staff, slightly embarrassing but it was good fun.

We tried to get tickets to see South Africa vs New Zealand for last weekend but unfortunately they were all sold out. Jake and Phil (volunteers in Limpopo) were traveling to Durban last Saturday and had a few hours stop off in Joburg. We met them, Erin and Melissa and went for dinner and watched the game. It was close but the SPRINGBOKS WON!!!! We had a really good catch up and chatted about our projects.

We've spent a few very long days in various hospitals during the last few weeks. One appointment we were finished by 9am but had to wait for the other two kids. We all finished relatively quickly. We had to wait for transport so we nipped to the marketing Soweto (right next to the hospital) I got a lovely skirt for the equivalent of £3.50 we were the only white people and got a few funny looks as if we were lost. We then had to wait 4 hours to get transport back home. Then straight away started to help with homework, choir practice then assisted in the office. (17hour day... Killed me)

Another visit to south rand, our local hospital. It's pretty confusing how all the different hospitals work let alone all the different types of appointments. Waiting around for cards and numbers and files and then different rooms and many different doctors. However we think we've finally sussed the system and we're pretty proud of ourselves. Although if there is a little confusion it can make the whole process even more complicated and add an extra few hours to the waiting time.

On Wednesday 1st October St Mary's hosted their AGM, usually these are pretty darn boring but nope not here. We spent the day cleaning the cottages and in the kitchen preparing the food. The food was incredible as the receptionists son is a chef. Myself and Linsey were in charge of fruit skewers and chocolate covered strawberries. We are now total pro's at garnishing. The children performed throughout the meeting and each time they were amazing. The chairman of the executive committee was really funny which made the evening more informal ad entertaining. Sonja the director (and our boss) of St Mary's children's home gave a little speech, it was so nicely presented and so humbling it made me feel pretty emotional.I feel honored to be a part of such an incredible home that provide such great care for the wonderful children. After the meeting the visitors went into each cottage to meet the kids. Each cottage performed an item for their guests. St Margaret's (my cottage) sang a song and then myself and 3 of the children performed the 'he lives in you' dance .... Classic!!

Homework time is a huge part of what I do here at the home. At the beginning i thought it would become quite boring and tedious however I actually thoroughly enjoy it. It's a complete mix of ability, sometimes I'm helping with simple times tables or teaching the youngest girl how to tell the time ( a lot of patients required for that) and other times I'm actually learning stuff myself, admittedly it is things I should if learnt in year 7 and 8 but oh well.

Last week the children were on holiday. Some of them are away with their hosts but most stayed here at the home. We've been playing outside with them and Judy trying to keep them busy. I did a south rand visit by myself the other day with 3 people, it took a while but all went smoothly. What a relief! On Thursday and Friday we have been working in the office as the receptionist is off ill, taking all the calls and being Sonja's PA it wasactually pretty fun.

We now only have a week and a half into our first holiday to Durban. We cannot wait and if time carries on going this quickly we'll be there before we know it.
For those of you that care I'm now 44% the way through my second book (Gone Girl). Done 5 loads of washing, perfectedmy scottish accent, sewn up mine and Linsey's broken clothes, learnt to cut my own toe nails and only washed my hair 7 times. All in all life here is going really really well and extremely quickly.

SHOUT OUT to Hannah Clarke and my dad who celebrated their birthdays this week. Hope you guys had a great time.