Monday 14 September 2015

Hamba Kakuhle

Well I'm really not too sure where to start. Most my blogs
seem to have started that way, they have also mostly been long overdue...just like this one.

The last month in South Africa was absolutely amazing. Spending precious time with our children was wonderful. Their beautiful smiley faces continued to brighten every day at Bethany Home. We have been lucky enough to have several farewells. Firstly, the trainee's from the rehab and the nuns from the convent organised all of the volunteers a big braai. It was a lovely opportunity to spent time together and mingle with one another. As our little family of volunteers slowly become smaller and smaller it was so sad to say goodbye. We've all had our highs and our lows but after living with these wonderful people for 6months they really have become family. We've shared some brilliant times together during our time in Mthatha and I wish them all the luck for the future. CRAZY IN IKWEZI!!!!!

Our host and the staff at Bethany home held us the most amazing leaving party ever. It was so hush hush all day and we weren't allowed out of our flat. When all was ready we were escorted to the social workers office where we were presented with our Bethany Home t-shirts, traditional skirts, head bands, bracelets and face paint. They made such an effort to make sure we all felt special and looked the part. They then covered us in white sheets (a tradition before a woman gets married) and walked us to our party. We were unraveled in front of all the staff and children. Their was some lovely speeches and beautiful singing from all of the mama's. They made us feel so loved and it was so humbling to have such a brilliant send off. When I was asked to say a few words the tears wouldn't stop. However, I just want to say that I will forever be grateful for my time at Bethany home, the lovely staff and most importantly the absolutely wonderful children. I've learnt so much about so many things I can't even list them all. But one very valuable thing I have learnt is that language should form no barriers. We tried our best to learn as much Xhosa as we could but we're definitely still far from fluent however this didn't stop us from teaching or forming bonds with our children.

On Sunday 9th August, Linsey, Olivia and I said our final goodbyes to Ikwezi Lokusa and Bethany home. It was so tough leaving and saying goodbye to my baby boy Buhle. It's bad to have favourites I know. I loved every single child but I will never stop thinking about Buhle and hoping that he is doing well in life. We then flew from Mthatha to Johannesburg in a tiny little plane, having a glass of wine with two very special girls, flying over the beautiful South African landscape and feeling very proud of my year and what I've achieved.

The following day myself and Linsey went to visit St Mary's children's home (our previous project). We hadn't told the kids that we were coming and they were so surprised. Luckily it was a national holiday so all the children were off school. Our welcome back was overwhelming with nearly 50 kids running to hug us and screaming our names. I'd really missed all the amazing young people at St Mary's but being back and seeing how well they are all doing was brilliant. We danced, we sang, we chatted and we took loads of photos.

On Tuesday 11th August, the day before we departed from South Africa we made our way to home affairs for the last time. After 15months of stress and potential threat of deportation WE GOT OUR VISA'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with literally hours to spare. It was such a huge relief to go through OR Tambo airport knowing that they would let us home.

Wednesday 12th August 2015 my journey came to and end :'(
My time in South Africa has been beyond anything I could have ever wished for. Obviously there has been highs are lows but learning from those experiences and keeping a positive mind set has been very valuable. The weather, the food, the travelling, the singing, the dancing, the playing, the cuddling, the teaching, the staff and of course the children will all be missed soooooooooo much!


There is one person that it would simply be wrong for me not to mention. MISS LINSEY WILSON, my absolute rock! I don't know how she has coped for an entire year living with me. I'm sure everyone that is reading this blog will agree, she must be a superhuman. In 12 months we haven't spent more than 10hours apart. If that's not true love then I don't know what is. It was been a pleasure to share my year with her and to also have a new best friend/life partner. I miss her already and find it so weird waking up and her not being around. Possibly the weirdest thing since being home is not saying or writing 'we'. In all my of my diaries that I wrote in religiously every night, each event would start with 'we' every blog post would be 'we'. LOVE YOU LINS.

Being home has been amazing, thank you to everyone who came to the airport to welcome me back. Seeing family and friends after a year has been wonderful. I seriously cannot begin to thank you all for everything. Especially with all my fundraising, there is no chance I would of got there myself.

ENKOSI everyone.


South Africa... I WILL BE BACK!!!