Monday 22 September 2014

So today is exactly 3 weeks since arriving at my project and Friday will be exactly 1 month since I left  England. I know I said it in my last blog but I seriously feel like I've been away for a lot longer than this. I've officially been away from home longer than I ever have before and I'm honestly coping really well. 

On Sunday 21st September the unthinkable happened... (little bit of dramatic tension there) Amy Claire Schofield finished a book!!! 


For those of you who know me properly you will understand that this is not only a miracle but a massive achievement. I started reading the first night I arrived so 3 weeks ago and finished last night, I only read before bed but I was so excited at the thought of actually finishing a book that I read quite a lot yesterday. To make my parents even prouder I have already started my second book (I'm 5% the way through that) Hold back the tears mum there's more to come. 

Since being in South Africa I have done two lots of washing, the only two lots of washing I have ever done in my whole life. No doubt mums definitely crying now, I can't help being the cleverest most domesticated daughter ever. 

The past week has been really good but also extremely tiring. Most days I start at 5am and finish at around 9pm. Although we are on duty all the time we aren't working every minute of the day. However, last Monday and Tuesday I was. On Monday myself, Linsey and one of the house others took two of the children to their hospital appointments in one of the big hospitals in Johannesburg. It was definitely a lot nicer and cleaner than south rand which is our local one. We waited with them all morning and then we were asked to take some other children to their counseling appointments straight after. We had to catch the bus back from Joburg with the kids, sounds easy doesn't it.. Well it's not!! We then arrived home and started helping with homework and all the evening duties. Tuesday was pretty much the same. 

Two of the children at the home have got mumps which means they cannot live in the cottages as it is contagious. Myself and Linsey have been looking after them in nurse Jennie's cottage. (Fingered crossed we don't get it too). One the the girls from st Mary's cannot go to school at the moment as she is dependent on oxygen and the machine is too big and heavy to lug around with her, we have been asked that everyone morning one of us entertains her for a few hours, either painting, drawing, making bracelets or writing. So we now feel their is more structure and routine to our days but when we need to assist the children to their appointments the structure falls out the window, but that's fine! 

A few of the kids were in a school show this week and we went to watch it on Friday. I didn't really know what to expect but it was phenomenal! The show opened which none other than 'The circle of life' in true African style. There was lots of singing and dancing and all the kids did a brilliant job. (Still got nothing on WAGS though :P) 

The children had been asking me all week when we can next do loom bands. On Saturday I got out the last packets I had and they all went mad (feeding time at the zoo) but it was great fun and they've all got wrists full of them now. 

I'm becoming extremely good at snake, due to my beautiful new Nokia brick phone. It passes hours in hospital waiting rooms. 

We are getting to know the children a lot better and the banter has began which makes living here a whole lot funnier. I feel really at home here already after only 3 weeks. The weather is starting to get really hot although we did have a massive storm on Saturday night. We have booked our first holiday to Durban for the end of October with Melissa and Erin so we are all looking forward to that. 

That's pretty much all for the time being. Lots of love from South Africa. 

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